The darkness boldly said to the light
“I will extinguish you tonight,
I will turn off your shine
And total darkness will be mine”
The light replied to the dark
“Yes, you will definitely make your mark
But I will only need a flame
To push you into the shadows again."
"It matters not that you are deep and dark,
As my little glow, my tiny spark,
Will always be there, however small,
To show you, you are not dark at all”
The dark in fear retreated.
It felt like dark had been defeated,
But light shone lovingly and succeeded
To coax dark out –
“we are both needed
In all things we both exist,
So, my friend, Dark, don’t resist,
We cannot live without each other,
embrace our balance, my dearest brother”.
© Stacie Frost 2018
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In Love, Light and Healing
Stacie Frost
Dip Hyp, MPLTA, Ad Col, Reiki
SSHH – Stacie's Spiritual & Holistic Healing
All views and information contained in our blog are the personal opinions of Stacie Frost and her guest authors. While being experienced and qualified in a wide range of holistic healing modalities, they are not qualified doctors and do not diagnose any health condition. Any form of complementary therapy should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice.