1. Start each day with a positive thought of intent.
2. Take a little time each day to indulge yourself doing something you love.
3. Do not worry what other’s think of you…it’s their problem.
4. Show others kindness.
5. Take only what you need.
6. Do not run yourself down.
7. Look for the positive and beautiful in someone, something or a situation.
8. Remember we are all on a journey – we cannot always be perfect.
9. Distance yourself from those who drain your energy (this can be done by visualisation) and release them with love.
10. Before you go to sleep – send out thought or words of gratitude for what you have or experienced throughout the day.
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In Love, Light and Healing
Stacie Frost
Dip Hyp, MPLTA, Ad Col, Reiki
SSHH – Stacie's Spiritual & Holistic Healing
All views and information contained in our blog are the personal opinions of Stacie Frost and her guest authors. While being experienced and qualified in a wide range of holistic healing modalities, they are not qualified doctors and do not diagnose any health condition. Any form of complementary therapy should not be considered as an alternative to professional medical advice.