Stacie Frost
Dip Hyp, MPLTA, Ad Col, Reiki | Medium & Development Coach

Stacie Frost
Within her work as a psychic medium and self development coach, Stacie serves many Spiritual Churches and Healing Centres in Greater London, Essex and Hertfordshire | Supports charity events with demonstrations of mediumship | Provides one-to-one readings | Produces Psychic Art | Integrates self hypnosis | Designs and delivers Past Life Workshops | Employs Colour Therapy | Runs her own Psychic Studio for empaths and intuitives | Provides Free online Pep Talks | Mini workshops and courses for adults and young people.
Stacie is a creative and compassionate woman with a down to earth nature, wicked sense of humour and zest for life. She is a passionate advocate for young people and believes in committing random acts of kindness.Her older children having flown the nest, Stacie lives at home in Essex with her husband, son, daughter and cats Magic, Bluebell and Luna.
Areas of Expertise
Clinical Hypnotherapy
Past Life Regression and Workshops
Mindfulness & Meditation Workshops for schools
© Angels In Training confidence coaching for young people
Colour Therapy and Courses
Holistic Counselling
Advanced Reiki & Other Energy Healing Modalities
Holistic Speaker and Coach
Psychic Development
Psychic Art Courses
Paranormal Investigation
Energy clearing for homes and businesses
SSHH - Stacie's Spiritual and Holistic Healing Practice

"Thank you for a truly inspirational experience that I can honestly say has been life changing ..." Tracy, Essex UK
"I first saw Stacie at her 'Beyond The Veil' event in the UK. Awed and inspired!"
Tirza Schaefer,
Poet, Author, Speaker & Spiritual Mentor
Cologne, Germany
Contact Details
Your questions, enquiries, comments and feedback are always welcome. Join in, follow and like us on our social media feeds for free mini workshops, live readings and more.
Tel: + 44 (0) 7779 022869
Email: Stacie Frost